Junkers Ju 52/3m

источники информации
  1. Авиаколлекция, 2004 №2, спецвпуск №2
  2. Авиамастер, 2004 № 1,3
  3. Авиация, №8
  4. Авиация и время, 1995 №1
  5. История авиации, 2001 №3
  6. Крылья Родины, 1995 №7, 2001 №8, 9,
  7. Петров Г.Ф. "Гидросамолёты и экранопланы России. 1910 - 1999" . Москва 2000
  8. Aeroplane Monthly, 1977 №3, 2019 №3
  9. Air International, 2000 №4
  10. Air Pictorial, 1977 №1
  11. Airline Timetable Images
  12. Airliner World, 2012-2019
  13. Andersson L. "A History of Chinese Aviation. Encyclopedia of Aircraft and Aviation in China until 1949". Taipei 2008
  14. Andersson L. "Soviet Aircraft and Aviation 1917-1941" Putnam. London. 1994
  15. Avions, №94, 95, 97, 99, 106, 107, 115, 120, 128, 150
  16. Brotzu E., Caso M., Cosolo G. "Aerotrasporti Italiani nella 2a Guerra Mondiale" Transporto 7. Vol.1, Roma, 1975-1976
  17. Burden W.A.M. "The struggle of airways in Latin America". New York. 1943
  18. Die Deutsche Luftrustung 1933-1945. Vol.3. Koblenz. 1993
  19. European Airlines
  20. Flieger Revue, 1990 №5, 7
  21. Flight International 1933 - 2009
  22. Flugzeug Profile, №24
  23. Golden Years of Aviation
  24. Gunston B."The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Propeller Airliners". New York. 1980
  25. Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 1938
  26. Jet & Prop, 1992 №1, 1995 №4, 2000 №3,2007 №4, 5, 2009 №4, 5
  27. Ju 52/3m Betriebsanleitung. Dessau. 1939
  28. Klassiker der Luftfahrt, 2003 №3, 2011 №2,
  29. Le Fana de Aviation, 1970-2020
  30. Letectvi + Kosmonautika, 1973 - 1996
  31. Lotnictwo, 2008 №10
  32. Lufthart International,1978-1982
  33. Miertsch W. "Vom Original zum Modell: Junkers Ju 52 - Zivilversion". Bonn 1998
  34. Modelism, 2000 №4
  35. Moldovanyi G.A., Zsille P. "Egi Utakon" Budapest. 1987
  36. Munson K. "Airliners Between the Wars 1919-1939". Blandford Press. London 1972
  37. Munson K. "Airliners Since 1946". Blandford Press. London 1975
  38. Nemecek V. "Civilni Letadla 1". Praha. 1981
  39. Neulen H.W. "Deutsche Lufthansa - der Kranich in Turbulenzen" Lemwerder. 2003
  40. Photo Hobby Manual №1002
  41. Plane Crash Info.com
  42. Planes.cz
  43. Profile Publications, №177
  44. R E G Davies "Aeroflot: An Airline and Its Aircraft" Paladwr Press. Rockville, MD. 1992
  45. R E G Davies "British Airways: An Airline and Its Aircraft: Volume I: 1919-1939" Paladwr Press. McLean, VA. 2005
  46. R E G Davies "Lufthansa: An Airline and Its Aircraft" Orion Books New York. . 1991
  47. R E G Davies "Transbrasil: An Airline and Its Aircraft" Paladwr Press. McLean, VA. 1997
  48. Replic, №91
  49. Scale Aircraft Modeling, Vol.20 No 11
  50. Scale Aviation Modeller, 2008 №8
  51. Singfield T. "Classic Airliners". Leichester. 2000
  52. Squadron/Signal, №10, 186
  53. Tipy broni i uzbrojenia, №142
  54. The Hugo Junkers Homepage
  55. Waffen-Arsenal, №11
  56. Winchester J. "Civil Aircraft". San Diego. 2004


последняя редакция 12.12.2020


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